We work with Leaders in a dynamic, personal, routine interchange that often challenges their fundamental beliefs about leadership and invites the Leader to extend his/her thinking about how they can lead their team to new heights.

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership. Bringing together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of the most prominent scholars, and over four years of additional research and development, this all-inclusive program approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship. With one unified model of leadership—vision, alignment, and execution—it focuses on helping leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.
Agile EQ™
Agile EQ™ helps you understand and adapt to the needs of the situations you experience. It enables social and emotional problem-solving to help support agility.

Linked with Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® this creates a powerful model to help leaders develop their emotional intelligence that seamlessly enables them to adapt with great agility to the many different situations that they will inevitably face every day in their career.
Among other things, Great leaders need to:

Know when to lead and also when to follow

Understand & Define their personal values and integrity; said another way, define the "Hill they are prepared to die on"

Recognize that Loyalty is a two-way street

"Walk the Talk"... & understand... Everyone is Watching

Demonstrate Humility and acknowledge when they are wrong & experience the credibility growth that follows
Challenging Leaders to Reach New Heights

Our 1-on-1 discussions can take many different paths, each personalized for you, leveraging available tools and knowledge, and our vast & diverse experience, to help us to guide and challenge you to excel in your leadership career, such that people follow you from a perspective of Respect, Trust, Confidence and Belief, NOT Fear. 

Courage is a word we easily use in the military but is rarely used in the corporate world. 
We will approach the concept of Courage being a key part of Leadership in Action

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